Paris-Present Day

“Detective Jordan.” Alix called from the doorway. The sun slanted in the open window, sending a shaft of light between them. She called his name again, a bit more loudly--but still she got no response. She hesitated and then stepped into the room getting closer. “Monsieur,” she called once more touching him on the shoulder.

Davit Jordan was up in a split second. He looked like a lion about to pounce on his prey, and she felt for a moment that she was that prey. He looked dangerous, not at all like the young man Remie had told her about. Alix jumped back, hear pounding, adrenaline surging.

“I’m sorry, she said. “I didn’t mean to startle you.

“It's okay, he said, and stood while holding a hand up as if to ask for her understanding. You didn’t. I was working...I’m sorry. Too many years on the street I guess... you have to be ready for anything. May I help you?”

“Oh, uh...yes, please,” Alix said her heart still fluttering. “I need to report a missing person.”

“Okay, let me call someone for you.” he said. “I uh...don’t normally handle missing person reports.”

“Please Detective,” Alix implored, “I came to you because I believe you know the person who is missing.”

Davit’s hand stopped, his hand hovering over the phone. “Really? And who is it that’s missing?”

“A friend and colleague of mine, Ms Remie Chandler.”

His heart froze. “Remie? Of course I know her. We had dinner a few days ago and I saw her home, she was fine.”

“Well she left work early on Friday to meet someone and she didn’t come in to work today. She’s never late, she’s never missed a day and she won’t answer her phone and the landlord wouldn’t let me into her apartment when I went to check on her. I...don’t know what to do....”

“Please Ms...”

“Lemieux,” Alix said, “but call me Alix, please.”

“My, this may be a problem. Remie was on her way to meet me for dinner that day but she didn’t show so I thought she wasn’t interested. I didn’t want to bother her if she didn’t want to see me, so I didn’t think anymore about it. Could she have changed her mind and gone away for the weekend?”

“No, not without calling and leaving me a message. She’s a very responsible and thoughtful person, she would have called.”

“Okay, okay, let me call in my partner and we’ll start taking down any information you can give us and don’t worry...we’ll find her.”

to be continued....

© 2003 Rose Carr

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