Later that evening she ate a light supper with Adele and her daughter Runa who had joined them. They had cleaned up, put Nicholas to bed and began to work on some mending when they heard a knock on the door. Her heart sank when she opened the door for it was her uncle, with a smug smile on his face. “Uncle.” She exclaimed, standing respectfully. Even though she did not agree with what he had done that day he was still her family’s leader. Gypsy tradition decreed that her first loyalty be to him.

“I have something important to discuss with you Adele,” he said ignoring Richelleen. “It has come to my attention that your daughter Runa is of marrying age.”

Adele’s eyes widened. “Yes, she is,” she said warily. “What matter is it to you might I ask?”

“Your husband made no arrangement for Runa to marry before he died,” Karl said, seating himself on the narrow bench against the wall. “Was that your choice?”

“We never discussed it,” Adele said. “My husband believed his children should marry according to who they love, not for tribe advancement.”

“My sister married beneath her,” her uncle said grimly. . Richelleen stiffened at hearing her beloved father denigrated so, but Karl did not notice. “However, there is no point in rehashing her unfortunate choice, since it all lies in the past. We must look to the future, your future. Someone asked for her hand today, and I accepted.”

Adele turned bright red. “Who?” A sudden thought occurred to both Adel and Richelleen, and with a sinking sensation, they heard Karl confirm their worst fears.

“Renaud is a veteran of many battles, a formidable man in his own right. He fancies Runa and he is well able to provide her with anything she could want. I accepted his offer.” Rising, he strode to the open door and beckoned. The captain stepped in from outside where he had been waiting and leered knowingly at his promised bride who cowered in the corner.

“Karl,” Richelleen whispered faintly. The knot in her belly turned over, and she had to lock her knees to keep from trembling. That the 14-year-old fresh-faced Runa should wed and bed Renaud? No! That would be a travesty!”

Ignoring their looks of horror, Renaud gave them a mocking smile and turned towards the cowering Runa. “My wife to be…you have done me a great honor.”

“Hah!” Karl barked out a shout of laughter, and slapped the suitor on the back. “The honor is all ours, Renaud!” He gave Adele and Richelleen a smug glance. “I do not wonder that they are speechless with joy.”

Runa pleaded with her eyes. Please stop this! Please!!!


to be continued....

© 2005 Rose Carr

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