Paris -1880

Claude waited until Remie’s footsteps receded before he felt it was safe enough to unlock his desk drawer. He drew out a carved wooden box that was locked and stared at it. In it were some personal things taken from Remie when she was found on the bridge. He knew it was wrong to keep these things hidden but he wanted to know more about her and perhaps by studying the items he could figure out who she really was and where she had come from. It was amazing how easily she had accepted his story and had come to live with him without asking too many questions. Amazing how easily she had fit in with his friends and other family members. They had accepted her and even come to love her even though she kept a respectful distance from everyone. But lately he felt that her memory was coming back…not that he could put his finger on any one thing, it was just a feeling. He wondered if it had anything to do with the young man she had met at the mission, could he have triggered anything in her mind? He’d have to do something about him, he was becoming too important to her and that was not a good thing.



It was evening when Nicholas completed his repairs. Weariness settled over him. He had come to a dead end in his investigation. Since he’d eliminated Remie and the Sisters as suspects in the thefts who then was left? Nicholas sighed. Coat in hand, he made his way out of building. He’d go have a drink, take some time off, and try and think things through.

The first incident happened a few blocks from his home, From behind him he heard footsteps and a heartbeat later a fist caught him in the back, knocking him off balance and he fell on his side. A burning sensation shot through him but he had no time to see what it was. The men were on him. Hot, unpleasant breath brushed his cheek as he felt his arms pulled up behind him. Grunting, the man held on, yelling to his partner to finish the job. Nicholas’ blood ran cold when he heard the snick of a blade leave its sheath. He kicked out and was rewarded with a grunt and oomph of escaping air. Turning in his attacker’s arms he head butted him, got his arms free and fired off some quick punches to the soft paunch of the now stunned man who was yelling at his partner. “Run,” shouted the man. “We didn’t get paid enough for this!” A window opened above him.

“Are you okay monsieur,” yelled an old man.

“Yes, yes, I’m fine,” Nicholas said, noticing the blood on his hand as he pulled it away from his burning side. That’s just great, he said to himself, just great. He thought he’d recognized one of his assailants and then it came to him…he was the man in the courtyard at Sacre Coeur that he had run off. The pain in his side reminded him that he needed medical attention, and he knew just who was discreet about this sort of thing. His mother was out of town but her clinic was still open and not far from where he was…he had time to make it there and back before the mission gates were closed.



Remie arrived at the Sacre Coeur just before 8AM. She loved this time of day when the halls were quiet and she could hear the sweet voices of the children singing in their classrooms. It was both peaceful and nourishing to her soul.

“Madame, Madame,” It was Sister Marie breathless from her short run down the hall.

“Yes, Sister, can I help you?” Remie asked?

“Oui, Madame. The children have decided to put on a show and now they need help with the music, sets, costumes and well…. everything.” She set her eyes twinkling.

“That sounds wonderful,” Remie said. “Can I be of any assistance?”

“Sister Claudette has volunteered to direct the music and some of the men have offered to build the small sets we require so all that leaves are the costumes. And we were wondering if you know anyone who could help cut and sew them and of course donate the materials. Here…the children have made some drawings.”

Remie took the papers and smiled. The drawings were sweet and familiar in some way. She stared at them so long that Sister Marie became concerned..

“Are you okay Madame?” Sister Marie asked, her eyes full of concern.

“Yes, yes, I’m fine, Remie said. “For a moment there I thought I was somewhere else looking at drawings of costumes, very sophisticated ones that...were mine. And something else! I know how to sew. It’s strange because I don’t remember ever making so much as a dress much less a costume. I’m fine though, really,” she said noting the worry in the young woman’s face. “Tell the children I’ll be happy to help in anyway I can.”

“If you’re certain, Madame. And thank you for your offer to help. We’ll get together later then to work out the details.”

“That will be fine.”



Remie ignored the mound of paperwork in front of her. She needed a confidant, a friend. Claude was out of the question and the Sisters …well she didn’t think they would understand. Nicholas…could he be the one?

“Madame Remie?”

“Oh, Nicholas you startled me,” she said smiling. “ I was just thinking about you.”

“Kindly I hope,” he said with an amused grin.

“Come in, have a seat,” she said, noticing that he grimaced in pain when he sat down.

“What’s wrong, are you hurt?” she asked.

“Just a scratch I got yesterday, it’s nothing. I had it taken care of.”

“If you’re sure,” she said. He waved her off. “I’m fine.”

“Okay. Can I ask you something Nicholas?” He nodded his head.

“Do I seem strange to you?”

“Strange? What do you mean?” he said, taken aback by her question.

“You know, different. Like, my speech, my mannerisms or dress or anything like that.”

“You’re more forward thinking than most women I know, more spirited, but strange? No.. Why do you ask?” A prickly sensation washed over him. “Are you having any problems?”

Remie shook her head and laughed. “Oh no, nothing like that. I’ve been having visions, well sort of visions. Like I’m remembering things that I used to do and know… But they are not things that happened here or even…dare I say…even from this time.”

“Now that’s strange,” he said. “Have you talked to anyone about this, your family, your friends?”

“Claude is the only family I have contact with and I don’t have any friends, any real friends. If I bring up any of these feelings to Claude he just shuts down and tells me that the accident I had clouded my mind and to not worry about it. It’s like he doesn’t want me to remember anything before I came to live with him.”

“And do you remember anything before you came to live with him?” Nicholas asked. “Family, work, children…any old lovers?”

Remie’s face reddened. “No, nothing except for a few weird moments like when I saw the costumes the children had drawn for a play.”

“What were the visions of?” he asked.

“That I had sketched and worked with costumes and knew things about the theater, nothing that made sense. I’ve never been inside a theater that I know of.”

“Interesting. May I suggest that you keep a journal and jot down these things as they come to you? Then you could read them over at later time when you’re removed from those feelings and reflect on what they might mean.”

She brightened, “That’s an excellent idea! Thank you!”

The sun became more brilliant and she caught her breath…that’s the only way Remie could describe the smile on his face. True, he was extremely handsome, but when his eyes sparkled and his face wreathed in that amazing smile it changed him… making him both innocent and sexy at the same time. Wow! Wait! She’d seen that smile before…a man sitting next to her…in a carriage in the rain. She shook her head to clear away the image. This was crazy.

“Remie, are you okay? Your face went white for a moment, like you’d seen a ghost. Are you having another vision?”

Remie rubbed her forehead. “Yes, maybe…I don’t know. It’s hard to explain, but please don’t worry. I’m fine and I’ll do what you suggested, I’ll make notes and we’ll talk about it later. She studied his face for another moment, making another decision. “Can you come to my house for dinner tonight?”

Surprised, Nicholas stuttered. “Ah…you know I don’t think that would be such a good idea. Won’t Monsieur Delacroix object?” he said lowering his gaze. And might he also recognize me Nicholas thought.

Remie smiled thinly, “He’s away on business for the week so he won’t need to know.”

“Okay then, if you really think that it won’t cause you any problems, I’ll be there. What time and where and is what I’m wearing okay?” Embarrassment pinked his cheeks. “My wardrobe is a bit limited these days.”

Her smile was genuine this time. “You look just fine. Is eight okay?”

“I’ll be there,” he said his level gaze boring into her. “And thanks for asking me… for trusting me.” He excused himself and left her to her private thoughts.

Remie sighed. She hoped her trust would not be misplaced. Things were happening to her that she did not understand and she was afraid that she would go quite mad if she could not resolve them.


to be continued....

© 2005 Rose Carr

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