Javert's complexion became ashen, as if drained of color and beads of perspiration broke out on his forehead.. A myriad of emotions played across his face that she could not read. Richelleen felt a sudden stab of anxiety in her stomach, had she so badly misjudged his reaction to this news?

"A child?" he said in a quavering voice, the blue grey eyes glistening with tears and wide in disbelief. "Can this be true? Me....a would bear my child?"

Richelleen quickly leapt from the bed to go to him. The fact that he even thought she would not want to have his child made her heart ache for him. Standing before him she lifted a hand to wipe away the tears and smooth a stray tendril of the unruly steel gray hair. Blinking back tears of her own, she touched her fingers to his lips.

"Oh Javert, how could I not want our child that was conceived in such love? Is that not how everyone dreams of conceiving a little one?" He eyes took on a haunted look as he begin to speak to her of his inner torment. His own private demons that kept him from rejoicing fully in the miracle growing deep inside her. "There are times I feel as if I am in a dream that goes on an on. I see you standing before me, so beautiful and alive, your arms out, beckoning to me......and as we embrace you are suddenly torn from me. Then I am hurtling from the bridge towards the dark waters of the Seine, realizing as I fall that the river did it's work and that none of what I had with you was real."

His grief tugged at her heart, " Dearest God Javert, why have you not shared this with me before? How can I help you, how can I assure you that what we have together is real and not this.... this nightmare that haunts you? You are here with me and I will let nothing change that."

An unsteady catch in his breathing did strange things to her insides as she lifted her face to him. With a groan his lips came down over hers, passionate and demanding. She opened her mouth to receive his kiss, tasting the faint saltiness of the tears he had shed.

Richelleen caught her breath as he swept her up in his arms, offering no resistance as he slowly lowered her to the bed. Her own desire building she dug her fingers into the hard muscles of his arms to draw him closer. The kiss finally ended and Javert pulled back, visibly shaking, his hands sliding down her arms to grasp her hands.

"Not now Richelleen he whispered hoarsely. "We must not, I would not, could not.... do anything that might cause harm to you..... or our child."

Richelleen smiled inwardly, for this time she knew the source of his hesitancy to make love to her. His quaint mixture of ignorance and morality made it difficult for him to do anything he truly believed was wrong or harmful to her.

"I am not any different than I was before Javert", she said guiding his hand to her gently sloping belly, "and our making love now will not hurt me or the baby. If there comes a time when it does, I will tell you. Truly.... I promise...." Locking her arms around his neck she drew him back down to her, their lips meeting when a knock sounded on the door. Mon Dieu! Richelleen thought as her head fell back on the pillow. It is a miracle in itself that I conceived at all, given the number of times we have been interrupted.

"Yes? Who is it?" she called out as she pushed herself back up into a sitting position, grimacing at Javert who had already got up from the bed. He made a helpless gesture as he began to straighten his clothes and walk to the door.

"Madame Richelleen, c'est moi, Simone."

Of course Richelleen thought, it had to be Simone. That young lady had a knack for knowing just the right time to knock on the door.

"Madame Adele has sent me to fetch some jars of salve she has stored in the wagon."

Javert opened the door, and gave a slight formal bow as he bade her enter, "Please Mademoiselle Simone, do come in."

Glancing from Richelleen to Javert, Simone flushed a bright crimson. "Thank-you Monsieur Javert, I was just wanting you.... oh dear, I was just looking at....." getting more flustered with each word she nervously prattled on. "...please excuse me, I will just be a moment," she said backing away from him, bumping into a low wooden cabinet hard enough to rattle the contents. "Simone, may I be of some assistance to you?" Richelleen said watching with some amusement as the young girl fumbled and searched through the drawers of the bureau in the corner of the wagon.

"No thank you Madame," Simone said turning to face Richelleen, some vials of salve clutched in her small hands. "I have found what I needed and I will be on my way." She bowed her head to Richelleen as she turned to leave, almost bumping into Javert which caused her cheeks to flame once more. "Oh, I am so sorry Monsieur, please...again...I must ask you to excuse me." She felt faint as she passed by Javert who was holding the door open for her.

"It is quite all right Mademoiselle Simone, no harm done," Javert said calmly, smiling. Somehow this seemed to unnerve her even more causing her to trip and almost fall down the short flight of stairs.

Javert looked after her and voiced his concern about her behavior to Richelleen as he watched her hurry away from the wagon muttering to herself.

"You do know she is in love with you?" Richelleen said, suppressing a grin and patting a place on the brightly colored quilt beside her.

"That child, in love with me?" he exclaimed, his eyes widening in alarmed astonishment. "That is absurd! Are you serious?"

"Oh I am very serious. She is usually a level headed, bright competent young woman, yet when she comes near you she turns red, stammers and starts running into things."

Sitting next to her Javert asked, "This is a terrible situation, what do you think I should I do about this....this infatuation?"

Richelleen shrugged her shapely shoulders. "Oh....there is nothing you can do that I know of, but do not worry , she will get over you.....first loves usually do not last for long. Unless of course you are interested in her and want me to call her back!" Richelleen teased.

"Richelleen, really..." he said, his face flushing scarlet with indignation. "You should not say things like that." Seeing Richelleen trying to suppress a gleeful smile he let out a genuine roar of laughter as he realized she had been having a little fun at his expense. Richelleen found herself happy that Simone had interrupted them. The little episode seemed to have eased his tension and lightened both their moods. Richelleen leaned back against the lacy pillows noting the thoughtful expression on Javert's face. After a few moments she raised herself up on her elbow and asked him, "Tell me please, what are you thinking?"

"Truly?" he asked.

"Yes, tell me, right here and now, what thoughts are causing those furrows to appear on your fine brow?"

"I am thinking of how it would be to have a home....children, how it would be to have you for my wife."

"Your wife?" Richelleen said taken aback for a moment. "Marriage.... I had not even thought of that." Of course he would want to marry me she thought. Being the kind of man he is he would want to do the right thing. But to marry again, and to a policeman!

Conflicting emotions of anxiety and expectation flitted through her. "Of course we should think about getting married Javert....I should have known you would want to....for the sake of the child."

"No," Javert said, his candid eyes piercing straight into hers, reaching into her heart, "I am doing this badly. I do not want to marry you just for the sake of the child. I...... I have wanted to ask you to be my wife for some time now, but was, I was afraid to do so. I did not know how you would react to such a request from me." Richelleen did not know exactly what she should say, or if she should say anything. Shifting her position on the bed she slipped her arms around his waist to draw closer to him and lay her head on his broad chest. Javert gingerly put his arm around her shoulders, lightly resting his chin on the thick softness of her hair. It felt crisp and clean under his strong fingers as they moved to smooth it down, her heady fragrance filling his senses as he did so.

"Richelleen," he ask softly, still stroking the silken curls, " would you consider....would you consent to be my wife?"

Of all the things he could have said, this was the one that moved her the most. Could they share a life together, would it work? She became still and silent long enough to make his heart skip a beat, before he heard her answer filter through the sound of his own heart beat thudding loudly in his ears.

"Yes my love...yes," she breathed, "I would be your wife, if you would be my husband."

Javert's eyes roved over the flushed beauty of Richelleen's upturned face, she smiled and his heart leapt in his breast. She would be his wife and he could scarcely believe it. He loved her and longed to make her happy. He wanted her, now and always, with his whole heart, his whole being. With a gentle passion he pulled her to him, his lips finding the sweetly offered mouth. The thought that he might hurt her flashed through his mind and for a moment she felt him drawing back. "Please Javert," she begged, "do not deny me your love. It will be all right."

Her voice becoming huskier she whispered fervent words against his lips, and somehow between deep lingering kisses their clothes were shed and his hands were whispering over her silky warm skin. Moving beneath him she was aware that he had shifted his body so that his weight was not heavy upon her. Through half closed eyes she saw his flicker open and felt consumed by the fire of passion she saw burning in the blue depths. Breathy words of love and feverish kisses sent hot waves of passion sweeping through his loins. The urgency of his need drove her into a frenzy and her hands clung to the hard muscles of his broad shoulders as she raised her hips to meet him. "Yessss!" he heard her cry as he entered her deeply, fully in one swift motion. Each thrust of his hips was rewarded by a moan from her that ended in a cry of release that was soon joined by his own. Spent, he fell back pulling her closer so her head lay upon his chest. She could hear the slowing of his heartbeat in her ear, feel his breath warm upon her cheek. She knew in her heart that no other woman had been the recipient of his love and this knowledge pleased her. He grew still beside her, so still she thought he might have fallen asleep.

"Javert?" she whispered.

"Yes?" came his drowsy reply.

"My father will have to be told of our decision and I really think the sooner he is told, the easier it will be, for all of us." Her father he thought, the mere thought of telling Andre their news made him instantly alert. Of course her father should be told. Sighing and reluctantly letting go of her, he waited until she had left the bed then got up himself and started to dress. This was going to be difficult he thought, but she was right, it had to be done and soon. Richelleen stood brushing her hair in front of the small mirror on the wall. She could see Javert's reflection in it as he sat on the edge of the bed. His hair had come loose and fell free about his shoulders, half hiding his face as he bent to pull on his shiny black boots. The sight of him made her ache with pleasure. Smiling to herself, she made a mental note to tell him he must never cut his hair.

Andre was growing impatient, what was going on in there? He had a right to know how his own daughter was, did he not? Making up his mind, he snatched his tattered black hat from its hook by the door and, jamming it on his head, stomped down the front steps of the wagon.

"Oh oh," Adele said to Simone as she saw Andre striding purposefully towards her campsite. She shoved the bowl she had been mixing a poultice in and told Simone to continue her work as she wiped her hands on her apron and hurried to cut Andre off before he reached her door.

"Andre, Andre!" she called as she got closer to him. "Please, let me check on her before you go in."

"What do you have to check on Adele? What is she doing in there that she needs to be checked on? What are you hiding from me?"

"I am hiding nothing old man, I just want to give Richelleen and Monsieur Javert some time to work out a few....problems."

Adele got between Andre and the door, hands on her ample hips, standing solid and implacable, determined not to let him see Richelleen until she said she was ready. The door of the wagon opened and Richelleen said, "It is okay Adele, thank you. Papa, please do come in. As you can see for yourself, I am doing much better."

The wiry old man entered the wagon, his dark eyes narrowing with suspicion as he saw Javert move up to stand beside his daughter. Andre raised one bushy speckled brow in a questioning look, scrutinizing her features for any clues they might give. "Well, out with it," he said. "or are you going to make me guess your little secret."

Swallowing the lump in her throat and grasping Javert's hand for moral support, Richelleen said "Father, Monsieur Javert and I are going to be..... married."

"Married?" he said, his face remarkably composed considering what he had just heard. "When did you decide on marriage, and why so suddenly?"

She should have known her father would want the whole truth. Casting a sidelong glance at Javert she said, "We decided so suddenly as you put it because........"

"Because she is going to have our child," Javert finished for her.

Waiting for the explosion they were sure would come, neither Richelleen nor Javert were prepared for what they saw. The old man's face broke out in a beatific smile, his eyes shining in pleasure as he swooped Richelleen up in a bear hug. "A child! A child!....This is wonderful sought to keep this from me? I thought I never would have a grandchild to spoil!" Letting go of his bemused daughter, his face flushed with happiness Andre slapped Javert on his shoulder, almost knocking the younger man down. Running to the door Andre shouted to Adele to come in.

"You look so happy old man, have they told you their news?" Adele asked.

"So you knew this too? Why did everyone know this but me?"

"Only Adele and Javert knew before you Papa, in fact Adele knew before I did. We only delayed telling you until we decided what to do about this situation."

"The situation! Young lady, my grandchild is not a situation, he is.........well, he is my grandchild! Now...when are you two getting married?"

The news of Richelleen's and Javert's impending marriage spread through the camp quickly. Upon hearing of it Gaspar could no help but feel a twinge of sorrow for his brother. In spite of all the wrong his brother had done, Gaspar felt that he had really loved Richelleen. He hoped that wherever he was, that he was well and when this news reached him he would find a way to be happy for her.

Deciding he would go offer his congratulations to them, he would also ask Javert for his help in dealing with their prisoner. Gaspar hated the man but had no stomach for cold blooded butchery either. Perhaps with Javert's assistance the local law would take him off of their hands. He couldn't keep him tied up forever.

Adele's wagon was filled to overflowing with well wishers and Javert was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. Taking Richelleen aside he whispered in her ear that he would be outside if she needed him.

Gaspar arrived to see Javert walk around to the back of the small wagon. Following him he stopped when he saw him sitting on the trunk of a fallen tree, eyes closed as if deep in thought. "Javert," he called out wanting to make his presence known so as not to startle him. Hearing his name, Javert opened his eyes and stood up as Gaspar approached him.

"I hear congratulations are in order Monsieur Javert," he said as he shook Javert's hand. "To win the heart of Richelleen you must be a special man, I do know that you are a lucky man."

"Thank you Monsieur," Javert said. "And you can rest assured that I do believe myself to be the most lucky of men."

Gaspar cleared his throat and made no move to leave causing Javert to ask, " Is there anything else you wish to speak to me about?"

"Yes....I wish to speak to you about the prisoner. I thought over what you said before and think that turning him over to the local law would be in the best interest of everyone. To kill someone while defending your home is one thing, but I have no wish to see him dead now....only gone from here.

"A sound decision Monsieur....I do believe I know one of the local Gendarmes and if you like we can take the scoundrel into town together. You can best explain to him what happened here. Let me go tell Richelleen what we are planning to do and I will meet you at the clearing in a short while."

Gaspar grinned his thanks and turned to make his way back to his home to pick up his jacket and hat. He would then go get the scarred faced devil and lash him to a horse. The sooner his stench was out of his camp, the better he would feel.

The crowd had moved out of Adele's wagon and was continuing to grow. Someone had broken out a keg of wine and the smell of food was wafting through the air. The impromptu gathering was turning into a party. Richelleen craned her neck looking for Javert and saw him as he turned the corner of the wagon. "Javert," she called, "I am over here." He smiled as he saw her and threaded his way though the boisterous crowd, his progress impeded by those wanting to shake his hand or pat him on the back. Finally he arrived at her side and taking her by the elbow led her to a relatively quite spot.

"Gaspar has asked for my help in handling the captured man. I told him I would be glad to accompany him into town and see that he is arrested and put in a proper jail."

"Of course Javert," she said, "I understand. When are you leaving?"

"Within the next few minutes. I told Gaspar I would meet him in the clearing as soon as I explained the situation to you. If the procedure does not take too long I will see you later this evening, it not I may not be able to return until the morning hours."

Reaching up she kissed him and said, "Do not worry about me, I will be fine. You and Gaspar be careful, I will see you when you return."

Javert arrived at the clearing to see Gaspar astride a dun colored gelding, holding the reins of a packhorse upon which was lashed the disgruntled prisoner, his protestations muted by the gag in his mouth. As Javert mounted Liberte and settled into the saddle he glanced at the young man and nodded his head. Urging Liberte on with a squeeze of his legs, he wheeled the big horse around slowing when he was alongside Gaspar. They rode in silence along the route Gaspar had pointed out and reached the small village of Magador in good time. They made their way to the small jail and dismounted, loosely tying the horses to a low fence that skirted the small structure.

Gaspar said he would stay outside to guard the prisoner. Javert dredged up the memory of the man he was about to see. Gilbert Moreau, a thoroughly good man of some seventy years had been kind to Javert when he was a young man, he had always remembered him fondly for that reason. Gaspar saw Javert enter the building and after only a short while he emerged, his face set hard as stone.

"What is wrong Javert, will he take him?"

"It would seem the man we have here is wanted for several more crimes in Paris. Monsieur Moreau has asked me to take him there as he is not able to do so himself. I told him I would. If you would be so kind as to go back and tell Richelleen......."

"But I want to go with you!" Gaspar interrupted, his mouth tightened into a stubborn line.

"Please, I implore you. Go back and explain to her what has happened and also Andre. If you like you can catch up with me, I will be taking the main roadway." Grudgingly Gaspar agreed to his request and rode of at a gallop. Javert mounted Liberte, took up the reigns of the pack horse with it's dubious burden and made his way to the main road. With any luck he would be back with Richelleen in a few days. He could not have foreseen the long separation that lay in store for them.

to be continued. . .

© 1997 Rose Carr

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