“Look! We’re almost there!” Richelleen said. The ancient castle loomed before them. The stone walls, stained by the passing of time, seemed to swallow up the light around them. Adele muttered dark things as they rumbled through the open gate. She hated these gatherings…not much good ever came from them.

Leaving Nicolas with one of the elder women who was taking care of the children, Remie and Adele entered the meeting room and took a seat on one of the benches that had been moved into the room for them. Through her clothing she could feel the cold from the stone chill her blood, even as the words she was hearing chilled her mind and soul. Her eyes fixed on her uncle, the esteemed leader of the eastern tribe, Karl Orloff. On the surface he looked much the same but his black eyes were hard, like chips of flint. Gray streaked his thick dark hair that he wore pulled back in a tight braid but he still looked strong and dangerous as ever. As he spoke to the gathered assembly she studied him closely. He has changed, she thought, and not for the best.


to be continued....

© 2005 Rose Carr

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